Sunday, September 19, 2010

Faith, Not Fear

This poem was written based on a sermon given by Pastor Craig at Mt. Zion UMC. You can hear the sermon at

Go out in faith, instead of fear
Lord, you ask;but I do not hear
For faith takes strength, and strong I’m not
You say touch cold, I reach for hot

Go out in faith, instead of fear
Lord you ask more than I can bear
For faith takes courage and timid am I
I know not how to hold my head high

Go out in faith, instead of fear
Lord, you ask, I start to hear
For faith takes a union with the one above
With You, my Lord, my God who’s love

Go out in faith, instead of fear
Lord, you ask, and now I’m here
For faith takes hope, a special bond
A belief in something far beyond

Go out in faith, to me you say
This time I will not shy away
You give me hope, love, courage, strength
So, that now in You I can go the length

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